In 2016, two year old Marnie Geniole was diagnosed with a very rare malignant brain tumour. Her parents, Thomas and Becky, have spent much of the past year and a half with Marnie at CHEO and the Hospital for Sick Children. Marnie has been through numerous rounds of intense chemotherapy, surgeries and stem cell transplants. Although she continues to receive treatment, she has moved from the “red zone” into the “yellow zone” with hopes of moving into the “green zone” someday soon.
The Miracle Marnie Foundation has been created to aid in making a difference through education, lobbying (both Federal and Provincial Governments), support (both financial and non-financial for families and programs) and providing a voice for the countless hundreds, if not thousands of families who are in the childhood cancer fight.
Label Innovation president Kelly Youngdale is a board member for the Miracle Marnie Foundation and recently attended the foundation’s Father Daughter Ice Crystal Ball fundraising event. The sold out event was an incredible success that helped fund cancer research for children.
To learn more about Marnie’s story and to see how you can get involved and make a difference, visit online at